
Posts Tagged ‘Safe As Milk’

Today on 10Listens.com, I tell a tall tale inspired by one of my all-time favorite albums, Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band’s Safe As Milk:

Somewhere in the second half of our 20th Century, a Delta Blues Man’s hitchhiking his way up the Mississippi toward Chicago, thinking he’s gonna be the second coming of Howlin’ Wolf.  Along the way he’s picked up by a van full of kids- whatta they call ‘em, beatniks?  Hippies?  Only they don’t dress like no beatniks or hippies.  They wear bold pinstripe suits and finely groomed facial hair, like dandy-boys.  Only they ain’t no dandy boys neither.  There may not be a single word to describe what these weirdos are.  Their license plate says California, so the Blues Man assumes they’re from San Francisco.  Then again they could very well be from Mars, or the future.

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